Hey Guys!

Thanks for the positive feedback.

To answer some questions.

1 - About Mayson being an ADA instead of a DA - this is totally my bad. I couldn't remember which one she was and made the wrong call. So I'm going to go back and change that one little fact so the story is consistent. blush

2 - About how Dan arrives on the scene. I'll reveal a bit about that to answer the basic problem of story flow (i.e., Dan wouldn't have arrived if Mayson didn't get killed) but in the end, it's pretty much ancillary to the story's main plot.

Some really good points and advice - I definitely see some things that I want to rethink and rework. Also, see some places I will need to fill in to help make Clark's presence on the romantic weekend a little more believable. confused

Thanks again for the positive feedback!

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah