I want to thank all of you who have been praying for us. My wife and I drove for almost two days to spend four very good days at my father's bedside in the hospice. My younger sister was there also, and we exchanged "Dad" stories with each other and with his wife of six years.

To explain: My father remarried several years ago after a triple-bypass surgery and recovery. The wedding was held at my younger sister's house and I got to sing for them. It was great! I even got to tease the officiating minister.

Anyway, he passed away quite peacefully on Thursday afternoon. His breathing slowed and he just slipped away. The time we spent together in the hospice (and at the lunches and dinners) was called "an Irish wake without the booze." He was a veteran of three wars, a husband and father and grandfather and even a great-grandfather. He will be remembered with love and admiration.

Now, to the feedback.

Iolan: I'd never heard that about the bartenders' uniforms, but it makes sense. The management wouldn't want them pocketing the cash from the drinks.

Michael: Do we really know that Lucy didn't sneak back in and clobber Christie? And yeah, Linda's attitudes are going to come back and bite her soon.

Elisabeth: I know the cold showers don't really work, but sometimes a guy's got to do something!

HappyGirl: You're right about what Clark should do. But he's trying to handle this without hurting Linda's career. Don't know how much longer he'll be able to take it, though. And Lucy? RAFO

Female Hawk: Yes, Clark isn't always a total lunkhead.

Next chapter up in moments!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing