Hi Terry, I'm still praying for your family.

Clark is being too subtle for his own good. If he really wants to get through to Linda he's going to have to be direct, even if it hurts her feelings. When she says something like "When will you have the time?" he needs to say something like, "Not now, not ever. Leave me alone." She needs a two-by-four between the eyes. Of course he doesn't want to upset her in the middle of an assignment, but once this is over, he's going to have to step out of character and be blunt. Unless Lois beats him to it, of course. wink

I agree with Michael. Lucy is acting positively guilty. I foresee complications arising.

And poor Clark! He is really a goner! Good thing that Lois is close to being one, too, even if she doesn't realize it. They have some serious obstacles in their way, though, starting with Lois's musical ambitions.

Yeah, good thing they're not in Texas, since they don't have a fiddle in the band.

Take care, Terry. We'll still be here when you feel up to coming back.

This *is* my happily ever after.