I find it ever harder to start reading a new LnC story these days, for whatever reason - staying committed to one I'm already interested in is another matter. Well, I think I'm going to commit myself to your story, Sonia. My best friend is the world's greatest Jane Austen fan, and I remember once buying a copy of Pride and Prejudice for her birthday, and she thanked me because both of the copies she already owned were falling apart because of too much reading! laugh

And is Clark going to be Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy? It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Ah, Clark, you are in possession of a good set of superpowers at the very least, plus a generous endowment of charm and great looks. Surely you must be in want of a wife? A wife like Lois? Or Lola? But Lola-Lois is perhaps more like the flirty and flighty youngest Bennet sister, Lydia, than she is like the sensible older sister Elizabeth? Ah, but maybe she is just as proud?

Okay, you've got me hooked! Bring on the rest, Sonia!
