I just got all caught up with this lovely fic, and then you say that you're posting the final part on Friday - the day that I'm going to get on a plane at 6:00 a.m. And then I'll be away from the internet for several days. whinging

I don't suppose you could be bribed into adjusting the posting schedule a bit, huh? I'm not above shameless begging.

I must say, I'm really enjoying this story. I have no idea how you're going to wrap it up in two parts. I especially liked the fight in this section - I think it was due time for Lois to let it all out instead of bottling it up. A fight in front of an audience is even better. Memory or no memory, Clark should still innately be Clark...although it seems he's having issues adjusting to the whole being-a-Kryptonian thing. Poor lunkhead.

As for your next fic vote...I'm intrigued by choice B, too. But I also haven't read OTOH yet(lack of time, not lack of interest). That, and I'm thinking my next fic when I finish the semester might be a HoL re-write, so I couldn't read yours and write one, too. Although I do have another story idea lined up that is on a totally different page...not that it matters. laugh Still like the choice B idea.