C'mon Carol! Your stories can make me feel so... dizzy

Clark wouldn't sleep with her! dizzy

Ahhh! I think I get it. He lost his memory so he's completely forgotten that he NOT a jerk!!! Right? He must believe that only a jerk/bum/inconsiderate a** would marry Lois, get her pregnant and then forget about her. So, he's trying to reproduce that behavior. Right?

Okay, probably not. But he's so... Doh!

Anyway, how about the sphere? The journal? Something!!!! PLEASE!!!!! splat


As for the next fic vote, I vote for Eureka Springs. I actually spent a week there in July of 1977. All that I really remember is:
1. It was HOT!
2. The crickets were very loud at night. (House had to be open, no air conditioning!)
3. The HOT part, I should mention that was at night. During the day it was HOTTER!
4. The town is on the side of a mountain and they boasted that no two streets in the entire town met at right angles.
5. Did I mention the VERY HOT all the time part?
6. Oh, and the humidity was something greater than 99%. All the time!!
And I didn't even get to see the Christ of the Ozarks or the Passion Play . frown

Bob (echo)