Thanks, everyone. I'm happy the ending worked. Even though I know many/most of you expected it, I was still worried it was a bit unbelievable.

Michael - You know, when I started this, I didn't know where I was going with it. I really just wanted to write more Chad after Triangle. And as you know, several times along the way, I considered abandoning this ending all together. But I did get to a point where I felt like I would just keep writing and see what happened, and then darn it! Lois kept thinking about Clark. I'm so glad it came off as waffy rather than contrived.

Thanks, AnKS! I agree, moments where she thought of Chad are somewhat bittersweet, but then expected. After a relationship that was so much a part of her life, moving on means relegating it to the past. Forgetting it is not really an option.

Thanks, Lola! There's no real sequel planned. Or at least, it's far enough in the list of WIPs to be unlikely to be done. I sort of see the last two chapters here as an epilogue of sorts - I recognize that Lois and Clark first get together here, but since the story is mostly about Lois and her break up with Chad, I see her getting together with Clark as the end of that story and the beginning of a new one.

Ann - I hope you feel better soon!

I have to say, I wasn't actually thinking that Clark broke up with Lydia. I was more thinking that he never was really all that interested in her, but dated her anyway. Mainly as he wasn't sure he'd ever stand a chance with Lois. So, she still broke up with him as she had met someone else, but he never really cared. Lois did mention that, but she saw it as his thinking he wasn't ready to marry Lydia when she was ready to get married. In reality, Clark felt like he'd never be ready to marry Lydia - how could he be when the only woman he wanted to marry was Lois? So, he wasn't at all hurt by the breakup because his heart had always been somewhere else.

What I did envision instead was that when Clark started dating Lydia, he had hoped that would get him to move on since doing nothing wasn't doing it. But it didn't help at all, he still was in love with Lois and Lydia never mattered enough to him so that even when she potentially cheated on him, he didn't really care.

Grinch - I can't believe I surprised you with a Lois and Clark ending. I was a little afraid I might be lynched without it. confused

Seriously, I really did just let the story guide me at the end as I was having such a hard time deciding between Chad and Clark for the end and this is where I ended up.

As for a sequel, see my response to Lola. Honestly, I'm already fairly into the next story which is vaguely related (in that it, too, is related very peripherally to Triangle). And, in fact, writing for that is going so well that I'm going to wait another week to see if it continues at its current pace and if it does, start posting since at this pace, I'll almost certainly be finished before my due date. My thought is after that, I'll probably be needing a short break from writing to deal with the parasitic worm currently residing in my abdomen (whom, I'm told, is actually a bit more of a handful once s/he comes out). And once said parasite starts sleeping through the night or whatever it needs to do for me to have time and energy to write again, I have another story also sort of started that I keep thinking about. And a new idea I just came up that I'm also interested in (although, I am thinking about putting that one on the challenge board so someone else can take care of it for fear I'll never get to it).

A sequel to this is a potential for after that although I also have another WIP I'd like to try at some point, but I'm guessing we're now talking about sometime in 2011 or so, so who knows? wink

Thanks, amber! I knew the premise was going to be unpopular, so I'm happy to have so many people stick with me despite that. Luckily, Carol and Beth were very encouraging when this story was in its infancy or it may never have gotten written because of that.

Thanks for deciding to read it even though it started in such an unpopular way!