Alisha, I just read your story on the Archives. What a fantastic story.
You did an excellent job showing us Clark through Lois' perceptions, and the letter when she was in the hospital (along with the "dream" where she felt safe and protected in his arms) was an outstanding way to show us Clark's mind through Lois. The way you worked in Clark's point of view without actually looking into his head was very smoothly done...
I totally agree.
I also like how you have taken away any negative after feelings they could have from the sex they couldn't resist, and turned it to making love when they are ready - I have written this clumsily, I mean to say I love the way in the future sex is now about their love, tenderness, and caring. Not just the lust.
Both Lucy and Martha were great.
Lastly I have to confess at one stage to wishing for Wells to come along, or to bring Future Lois back to tell herself not to publish that article!
And while I would love to see a sequel (even a teeny tiny one?) it has a perfect ending, or rather it is their perfect beginning. sloppy