I'm coming very late to the feedback party as I just read the whole story on the archive.

Alisha, this is the gutsiest premise I have seen in a very long time. You tackled the 'what if?' that was always Clark's nightmare with thoughtfulness and skill. And doing it from Lois's pov was brilliant. That feeling of having done an irredeemable wrong has got to be one of the worst there is. Actions have consequences, and you showed that without flinching. And yet you left Lois enough self-esteem to at least stand up to Clark when he started blaming her for what she hadn't done as well as what she had. (And used Dan Scardino, of all people, to bring her to her senses.) And to call him on the carpet for using her, which is exactly what he was doing. Sex as revenge is an ugly thing. Understandable in this case, but still ugly. Which is why Clark tried to stop and had to work through to true forgiveness. Still, Lois is left with the poetic justice of being the girlfriend of the man she outed. Well done all around.

This *is* my happily ever after.