Well, I double checked and one beta is a couple chapters farther along than I thought she was so...

I'll go ahead and post in a bit - not sure when, but later this evening. Am actually outside with the kids right now cuz it's gorgeous. Of course, we have wifi... wink

Patrick - thank you smile . Depends on how you define 'soon' I suppose...

Ann - No, Lois isn't a xenophobic, but can Clark *really* be sure of that? We'll see how he deals with it before long... The Claude thing just came to me wink . Figured since we're not getting to the DP [and even if we did, this Lois certainly won't be sleeping with him], I should use him somewhere.

Nasty surprise? Me? Couldn't be, could it? James and Amber had the suggestions...

Sue! You'd hurt me?!?!? Really?!?! Okay, I'm posting 5 today. Surely that means you should post 8 in return right? Yes, tons of people would want to read about the teenage alien, but if they came out with his name on them and then Superman started flying around... There goes the secret identity!

PAM!!!! YAY! again on getting your paper done BTW. Ah, Lana won't be at the reception [if there is a reception of course] but that doesn't mean she couldn't cause all kinds of trouble soon.

Amber - I spend way too much time looking up stuff like that wink . That technically is a couple's necklace even though I said it's not in the story. Law enforcement? I wondered if anyone would mention that!

Michael - I will be completely honest and say that I didn't understand any of that second sentence...

Amy - she is isn't she?

James - hehe! I don't think Elisabeth should take your keyboard because then I couldn't blame you. I'm guessing what you're looking for is going to start in Ch. 6... I feel like parts of this go so fast - jump ahead in time etc. - while at the same time drag a bit because how much teenage angst can you put it? But they're so different than 'our' Lois and Clark that I felt it needed more setup, you know?

Elisabeth - you're right, it is a big deal especially at that age...

Anyway - will start getting 5 ready - not sure when I'll post, but sometime tonight...
