I really should hold out for Ricochet 8 since I posted Shaken 1-3 between Ricochet 6 and 7, but I have a feeling I'd get lynched...
First of all, yes, you would get lynched (and I'd be holding the rope).

Now let's do some math. smile I have three parts left on Ricochet. Three. You have twelve parts left on Shaken. Twelve. So, the way I see it (and I'm sure everyone reading this will agree), you should be posting FOUR parts to my one part.

I'll post part 8 when we see a few more parts of Shaken come down the pipeline. laugh

And thanks to James for reminding me I could send Clark and Lana to Latislan!
Someone get in touch with Elisabeth and have her take James' keyboard away from him. grumble

"Somehow I don't think we'll get to spend Christmas together until after we get married."
Teenagers -- so dramatic!

"Remember those words, Ms. Lane," Clark told her, kissing her again. "You're going to need them."
/me looks anxiously at those dark clouds gathering on the horizon of my computer screen

I can relate to Clark's being nervous to share the stuff he writes, but someone should tell him that there are lots of people who want to read stories about a teenage alien who looks human and can do lots of things.

Martha is right - Clark has to tell Lois the whole truth soon. If he's that serious and so is she, he's only going to be doing damage to the relationship by hiding something that HUGE. Really, he should let her read a story and ease her into that way. You liked that story, Lois? Well, funny thing…

Holy crap! In this universe it's *Ellen* who had the affair with Claude! shock

Lana's really starting to irritate me now. Hmph.

Now get posting - you've got some catching up to do. jump

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis