Okay, Bob has already quoted it, but I just have to repeat it:

A part of me was sorely tempted to tell her exactly what, or more to the point who, I'd been doing before I'd been hit by a car
clap clap clap

Give up, nurse! Lois has already been marked with an 'S'. Well, just so you know it, Superman has been marked with an 'L'.

I liked Henderson's visit. That man is so sharp and so truly considerate.

The 'dream sequence', where Clark tenderly held Lois at night, was almost unbearably lovely. And I really don't think it was a dream. I loved the flowers from Martha's garden!

It felt nice, to be with him like that, like he was completely in love with me and there was none of the hatred he told me he felt for me. Just the love. Like we were a normal couple, with one alien and one invalid in a hospital bed.

OK, so there was no way we could be a *normal* couple, even if I was completely healed, but still, it was a nice feeling.
No, there is no way they can be just a normal couple. And no matter how you look at it, it is Lois's fault that they can't.

I loved Martha's visit. Yes, of course she and Lois are gong to like each other. Of course they are going to be friends, in spite of everything.

And I so, so, so hope that Lois and Clark will find a way to be a couple.

I simply love this story! clap clap clap clap clap
