I thought this part was so interesting, from the mysterious flowers and Clark's night-time visit, to Henderson's questions, to Martha's guilt. One thing is for sure, you certainly keep me guessing.

I'm glad that Lois told Clark that she loved him. I know she wouldn't have without the medication, but I think it'll be the final catalyst in helping Clark let go of the anger he feels at her. He knows he's treated her terribly, and yet she still loves him. Lois is in the same position he's in of loving the person that's hurt him the most. Ok, so it might be a bit too dysfunctional to build a long-term relationship on, but at least it's some common ground for understanding each other.

I'm glad that Lois has a friend in Martha and that she's opening up to her. Everyone needs a confidant and Lois hasn't been able to share her burdens with anyone since she was a little girl. This will be good for Lois.

I still have no idea how they'll deal with the fact that the world knows CK=Superman and that Lois is the one who outed him. I can't wait to see where you take this.