This is a beautiful part.

This reminds me of the Lois of old:
A part of me was sorely tempted to tell her exactly what, or more to the point who, I’d been doing before I’d been hit by a car
I'm glad to see some of the old LL spunk is still there.

I so much hope this really happened:
It felt nice, to be with him like that, like he was completely in love with me and there was none of the hatred he told me he felt for me. Just the love. Like we were a normal couple, with one alien and one invalid in a hospital bed.
I really love your Lois. She is a living model of a beautiful tragedy.

Clark does NOT deserve her but I do hope they end up together. I like that Martha was so clear, in her own indirect way, about where those flowers came from.

This was very, very nice. I hope we get the next part a bit more quickly. (Please?)
