Ooh, shiny new feedback. Thanks ya'll! goofy

Bob Glad to see you're still hanging with me and thanks for the comments. Although the realizations hit her hard, Lois is tough enough to take it.

IolantheAlias I'm glad that you're enjoying the story. You're right, now that Lois knows about Lex, she's impatient to do something about it.

she's putting up her own strengths against Lex's advantages. And Lex's disadvantages. Although he doesn't have many, he has sorely underestimated his wife's talents.

We know the truth about the fast showers That's one of the best things about writing fanfiction - even though this is written from Lois' perspective, you understand Clark's actions.

LOL! Was that a Freudian slip, Lois? Almost. Although, is it still a Freudian slip if it didn't come from her subconscious? Lois was definitely putting sex and Clark together in her *conscious* thoughts. laugh Thank you for the comments about Clark's motivations and reactions to Lois. Now I know how hard it is to provide depth to another character when writing from a 1st person perspective. It's great to know that Clark is coming through.

But - has Bureau 39 found the Kryptonite yet? Mwah ha ha ha ha. RAFO! evil

And you killed Perry! Aargh! That's harsh. Sorry. I didn't think it needed a WHAM warning since it comes out at the beginning of the story, but I'll update it if it's required.

Michael Thanks for quoting Lois' hissy fit. smile Of course she makes herself at home at Clark's - it's not the first time she's been there and this time, she was invited. laugh As for Trask... RAFO!

Female Hawk Thanks for reading the story and for posting comments. It's always good to see that people are enjoying it.

The interaction between Lois and Clark is great - almost like they slipped into an already-established friendship, but with a freshness which worked really well. It's interesting that before they met, they were both aware of the other, more than aware. Knowing *of* each other beforehand definitely will help facilitate them getting to know each other quicker.
