Yay, you posted!

First, a few things I appreciated from part 4 -- I loved Lois's apparent suprise that a normal person wouldn't think of renting the hotel room below her own and then climbing down a rope to the balcony. I mean, really, doesn't everybody do that at one point or another? goofy Obviously the goon watching her lacks imagination...

It was a great moment when Clark said he believed her because she was Lois Lane. His opinion of her is so high, and her opinion of herself is so low... yeah, I think he'll be good for her. (Not that I ever doubted it! but this is a perfect encapsulation)

Okay, part 5...

I guess Lois is confident that no one's going to be listening in on this visit. smile It's so Lois-y to decide to break in, and so Clark-ish to leave the key under the mat laugh No, it's not that he couldn't hear you from in the bathroom, Lois wink but I'm glad that she thinks so, so that complication can be skated over for now.

It's hard to say, but the image of Clark fresh out of the shower wearing faded blue jeans might be even better than the towel... He's got to get better at this double-life stuff, though, and start x-raying his place before he gets there! It was fun, though, seeing his actions & apartment choice through Lois's eyes. Great view of a brick wall!

You did a terrific job of that in the last part, too. "Don't you want to know this stuff?" "Yeah, I do." I went back and checked, every question she asked was about stuff he really doesn't know. I love double-meanings.

Anyway, some solid investigating going on here. When Lois focuses, she's very focused. When she chooses *not* to think about something, she's pretty good at that, too, at least until some brave soul like Clark starts asking her questions and making her think about it. At least she had a shoulder to cry on.

And there were a few A-plot clues scattered in there, I think, but I'll have to wait and see, won't I? Great story.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K