Liking it immensely. Glad that Lois is seeing the light. And, having done so, she's not dithering around. She's taking action. Yes, she respects and is properly cautious of Lex's power and ruthlessness, but now she's putting up her own strengths against Lex's advantages.

And the fun parts:
Not a minute later I hear a click and a thump from the bedroom and then a strange whirring sound, like the sound of a soft vacuum cleaner, followed closely by the sound of a door closing and the shower starting. I could have sworn that Clark wasn’t home before. How could I have missed him? Well, he’s in the shower now, so I sit back to wait.

I don’t have to wait long. He either takes the fastest shower known to man or decided not to shower after all.
Tee-hee! We know the truth about the fast showers!

“I said sex … um, I mean six.”

Oh, jeez. Did that really come out of my mouth?
ROTFL! LOL! Was that a Freudian slip, Lois?

“I’d tell you to make yourself at home, but I see that you already have.”

He points to the half-eaten chocolate bar in my hand and I feel my face burn at my presumption.
And we know Clark just loves the way she made herself at home. It's the fascination she holds for him - starting right now, right here.

“You were able to gather that much information in just a few hours?”

“I’m pretty fast and was very motivated."
Another statement with double meanings undetected by Lois! "I'm pretty fast" - understatement of the year. "Motivated" - little does she know just who he is motivated by.

“Sure. Don’t tell me you’ve never bent the rules to get a story. How in the world did you catch Domo?”

“I … uh, saw some suspicious activity and um… one of my sources overheard something incriminating down by the docks."
Not a lie, but definitely misleading. Clark must be counting Superman as one of his sources, ha ha.

“If you have time, we can divvy up the rest of these files after dinner.”

“You listened through all the tapes already?”

He pauses, chopsticks halfway to his mouth. The alarmed look on his face is quickly erased with a shrug. “I think I got the gist. If I need to, I can listen to them later or you could recap them for me?” He finishes off with a hopeful grin.
Ooh, good recovery, Clark. First, he's almost busted. Then he realizes that he is giving himself away by the alarmed look. So he backs up - "I've got the gist." Then, he turns it into another opportunity to be with Lois - "You could recap them". Well done, Clark!

And now the scary and/or heartbreaking bits:

“Well, we still have your shadows to worry about. I came down Eighth Street and saw one of them talking on a phone. I snuck up close enough to hear him say that someone named 'Trask' from a 'Bureau 39' is coming. Does that mean anything to you?”
At least Clark knows that they're onto him now. He can be alert. He's been warned.

But - has Bureau 39 found the Kryptonite yet?

“Oh my God,” I whisper. “He did it. Lex bought and then destroyed the Planet.” When I realize I’d spoken the thought out loud, I open my eyes. I feel ashamed and appalled. “He killed thirty-five people, including Perry, so that I would marry him?”
And Lois is forced to relive those bad moments, now with a different perspective, that tells her what really happened.

And you killed Perry! Aargh! That's harsh. (But I'll allow it if it's necessary to the story.)