Hi Sue! I missed the FDK train for part 1, but I'm really enjoying this story, particularly seeing S2/pre-revelation Lois being tossed into the future. I loved many things about both posts, but the best is how you showed past!Lois 'freaking' out about being married to Clark and wanting to go home. The way you described her panic made me feel for her.

As always, the tiny details you give paint such a vivid picture of what's happening, both physically and emotionally for the characters. Like this...
She looked away from him and her gaze caught on a florist's card taped to the bottom of her computer monitor.

"I love you," it read and was signed simply, "Clark".

Lois closed her eyes. It was too much to take in, too much to be believed. Clark was Superman. Superman was Clark. She married Clark. Married Superman! Superman was standing in front of her in Clark's clothes. In spite of her anger she felt cheated out of the date she was supposed to be on tonight.
After all of the evidence, that simple card taped to her monitor is what finally convinces her. And it's so Lois to feel cheated out of the much anticipated first date.

Was Dudley Michael's lack of integrity going to be the only constant in her future?
Sorry if this has been quoted already, but this just made me ROTFL. I always love the way you mix humor with angst and always leave me curious about what will come next. Oh, and I love the bit about Star and how a psychic not knowing about Clark/Superman made Lois feel better.
Can't wait to find out what "important" thing future!Lois needs to tell Clark. More soon.