I know I should be coy and wait another day or two before posting, but I'm still giddy from the response to part one so I'm in a generous mood.
Thank god for your generous mood. Since here is already the 26th (my birthday) it felt like a present. thanks laugh

"This has happened before? Where did we go? So you know how to get me back where I belong? Why didn't you tell me this back at the house? Can you do it now?"
I'm sure he would have done that if he could... and if she hadn't run away before he could've said anything.

What do you say when your partner (husband!) just offered to fly you home?
I don't that did never happen to me, yet ... unfortunalety. laugh

"But it makes sense - now. I mean, you can't really go around dressed like Superman all day. Not when you have a real job. Not that being Superman isn't a real job, it is. But it probably doesn't pay the bills and uh, you know…"
Lois starts babbling that's a good sign, isn't it?

Love your story please more soon
