Whee! Things are happening!

He wasn't following her. Then again, she chided herself, he could just be watching her through the wall right now. The thought set off another spark of indignation - how many times had he acted helpless or clueless when he could have been useful in getting to the bottom of a story?

In spite of her anger she felt cheated out of the date she was supposed to be on tonight. Had it been a good first date?
Very important question!

How many times had she flown with Superman? She already knew the answer - eight times. Not that she had kept track or anything, mind you.
You know, I should be keeping track. But can you tell those of us who have forgotten (in a footnote or something) what the eight times were?

I'm impressed by your attention to detail. I remember in "Revisionist History", I think, where it was important how many times Clark/Superman kissed Lois. And how that was a big part of the honesty in the end. So when you put this in about how many times Lois has flown with Superman, it brings back good memories.

Meanwhile, with Lois98 back in 1995:
Lois made another irritated stab with the key at the lock, frustrated by Bender's pigheaded determination to ignore her warning and her inability to explain the truth to Clark.
Ah, the Cassandra effect! You can tell the future but nobody will listen to you!

You've set up a ton of good questions. I can't wait to see where you're going next!

Don't be coy, post early and often! (Just like voting in Chicago.)