I have to chime in -

**YAY!!** A new Sue S. story!

You've spoiled us all by writing such excellent fics in the past. Our anticipation is feverish.

Now, with the fawning (but true) encomiums out of the way, let me say that I'm really enjoying this so far. Great set-up. Lots of conflict - Wells (intriguing hints of trouble here), Lex, Bender, older Lois/younger Clark and vice versa - plenty of room for angst and drama here!

"And they claim that love is blind," Lex said smoothly, still pulling at the mask. "I should have known that your heart would still recognize me."
Ooh! Stalker Lex! He's back and he's still evil!

And his tie - ugh. It was two ugly ties merged into one. The top was a garish geometric pattern while the bottom was inexplicably a solid glossy black. That tie had been one of the first she had thrown out under the guise of making room in his small closet when they were newlyweds.
I love it! Of course Lois would get rid of some of those horrible ties!

We have to warn Bender!"

"Warn him about what?" Clark asked and unconsciously adjusted his tie.
It's Pavlovian! He thinks about saving someone and it's not even conscious anymore - the hand goes to the tie, the first thing to come off when he's switching into the Suit.

She glanced down, taken aback when the man's other hand landed oh-so-casually beneath her breast and then crept higher. His arm was clad in a bright blue spandex sleeve - a lot like--, oh god, this was the weirdest daydream ever - married to Clark and being felt up by Superman.

Where is Bender?
Can Lois change history?
What was the "accident" or "domino" that you hinted at in the prologue?
What if the Loises never change back?

Please post more. And soon.