Weeeeeeeeee!!!! Sue is back!

Superman looked her up and down in a possessive way that made her knees that much weaker. His fingers brushed the ends of her hair and he grinned. "Are we indulging in a little revisionist history tonight?"
Revisionist History! One of the reasons why Sue is the Queen. And Revisionist History is my personal favorite among Sue's masterpieces. The melancholy sadness coupled with appreciation of life and fondness of a little boy that you showed us in that first Kryptonian on the Earth - what was his name again, Luke Skywalker? And that sensuousness of Lois and Clark's nightly swims in the lake - oh my!!!! blush blush blush

Obviously, this couldn't be real, no matter how authentic it felt. She glanced down, taken aback when the man's other hand landed oh-so-casually beneath her breast and then crept higher. His arm was clad in a bright blue spandex sleeve - a lot like--, oh god, this was the weirdest daydream ever - married to Clark and being felt up by Superman.
And just how quotable and unforgettable is that?? clap

Superman ran one hand through his hair and looked away. The gesture was so much like Clark when he was struggling for words that her breath caught in her throat. Her knees wobbled as the realization hit Lois hard. It was 1998. She was married to Clark. Superman had tried to become intimate with her in what was apparently her bedroom. Clark was forever running off on the flimsiest of pretexts. Superman was inexplicably nearby whenever she needed him.

… Did you want me to take you flying first? …Are you going to call me Superman the whole time? …What else would I call you?

She took a step backward and her leg bumped into the bed. Superman's bed, her mind whispered. Superman's driver's license. Superman's wife. With new perspective, Lois looked up at the man she had idolized for the past two years. Her entire body felt cold and her voice was a squeak as she asked, "Clark?"

Superman hesitated for a moment and then dipped his chin in a nod. "Yes."
Wow, what a revelation! I can feel the shock of it literally overwhelming Lois's body, making her knees wobble and her voice become a squeak. And I love Clark's short, almost defeat-like confession. But the defeat is not there because Lois knows, of course, but rather because this Lois isn't his wife.

As for the setup... nowadays I tend to stay away from stories where Lex plays a big part. But how can I not make an exception for you, Sue? sloppy
