Very nice. Very nice indeed. I wonder why Clark didn't get to Metropolis the year before? I'm sure we'll find out soon. /end gentle hint to post quicker

Lois is going to have a hard time convincing Clark of her sincerity. Maybe this?

"Hi, Clark, I'm Lex Luthor's wife, and I want to join forces with you to bring down my husband."
"Sure you do, lady. Call me when you get a better pickup line."

Yeah, that'll work.

Don't forget to show us Jimmy hard at work, placing himself in danger to help Lois. Ooh, if you're cruel enough to whack Perry, are you cruel enough to whack Jimmy too? Hadn't thought of that until just now. evil

Looking for the next part. Post soon, okay?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing