Well, it appears that I'm rubbish at a regular posting schedule. laugh Twice a week is a bit too ambitious for me, but I might be able to stick to a once-a-week schedule ... approximately. Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

I usually do not like Lois married to Lex stories
Me either, which makes it doubly confusing as to why the premise grabbed my attention. Fickle muse. grumble

I'm very curious to see who Lois is going to approach for help.
I should be able to update with the next part soon. Hopefully, you won't be disappointed.

Truly delightful start.
Thanks, Patrick. That first line popped into my head when I read your challenge, so I'm glad that you liked the way the story started.

Perry dead! Nooo!
Sorry, but it's true. Perry might be gone, but he's not forgotten; he lives on in Lois' memory. Thanks for providing feedback.

I like your first person narrative
I'm glad. I actually wrote the first couple of pages as both first-person and as 3rd-person, but both I and one of my betas liked the immediacy of the first-person perspective.

Perry died helping people in the explosion, so clearly Clark wasn't there as Superman. Does that mean he's not Superman
RAFO... eventually.