I lost many things to explosion and fire that day worse than my sixth-sense for cover-up; the most painful had been Perry.
Nooo! Perry dead! Nooo!

That's hard. Right away, one of the pillars is missing. Dare I hope that it was a mistaken identity or a false alarm or something? But the part about Lois attending Perry's funeral sounds pretty final.

“Dammit,” I curse. The frustration at being completely neutralized is overwhelming. I’m in the perfect position to discover his secrets, yet Lex’s efficiency has rendered me absolutely useless.
And yet we know that Lois will come up with some way.

I need help from someone on the outside that isn’t watched as carefully as I am. Without Perry or the resources of the Daily Planet, there is only one place to turn.
Who? What? Cliffhanger!

I'm hooked. Please post more soon.