Very nice beginning. I'm hooked.

Without Clark, there was no one for Lois to cry over when she was looking into her mirror as her mother was helping her adjust her veil just before walking down the aisle to marry Lex. Without Lois in his life, Clark would not have had the idea to "keep a change of clothes at work" which would morph into the blue suit with the red cape and briefs on the outside. And Superman would not have steadied the building and contained the resulting fire to allow all of the occupants of the Planet building to escape.

So Lois is married to Lex, seemingly has no contact with her friends or coworkers from the old Planet, and now she's beginning to realize how evil he really is. She's going to investigate. (I wonder who she'll go to? Cat? Jimmy? Franklin Stern? Bill Henderson?) And maybe she'll be able to take down Mrs. Cox first, for several reasons. After all, the woman was the first one of Lex's lieutenants to turn on him.

I only hope Lois isn't already pregnant.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing