I’m glad you enjoyed to revelation and the hat.

Obviously I’m particularly happy that you enjoyed the story. As for the delay, I had wondered if you were on travel or something. I don’t know if I could handle being cut-off for more than a day or so by a computer crash.

Actually, I can’t remember Clark in any incarnation flying a plane. (Could the George Reeves Clark fly a plane? I seem to have a vague memory of an image.) I mean really, why would he bother to spend the time to get a license?

I was worried about the Luck and Consequences tie-in. I’m glad you don’t mind my taking advantage of my existing universe. When I saw your request for a pregnant Lois and a revelation, I was wondering if this came from someone already familiar with that work. It fit what I’ve done so perfectly it almost felt like the request was intended specifically for me.

It was very much my pleasure to craft this story for you. laugh
Merry Christmas!


Edit: PS: If you do make the hat, *please* post a picture! grovel