First, I need to say I’m sorry for taking soooo.... long to post feedback. blush

And I think this is one of the best revelations ever!!!

I’ve read this story about four times now and every time I find myself smiling a big smile!

“No. I just don’t think this is a good idea. My family gatherings never go right. We can still leave. We haven’t gone in the door yet!”
Lois has cold feet!

Lois looked up with a hurt puppy dog look
I love Lois’ puppy dog looks.

“It” was a huge, broad brimmed green hat shaped like a Christmas tree. It must have been a foot tall and was covered with tiny ornaments, flashing lights and fake snow. On the brim of the hat was a Santa’s sleigh complete with tiny reindeer and Santa himself. At the top of the tree was a crystal star that was rotating and every so often would twinkle with the refracted light from miniature lights on the tree.
Your imagery is so good here that I can “see” this hat. I love it. Hmm.... I’m the crafty type. Maybe I’ll make one! Don’t know if I could manage the rotating star... but the rest is very doable! If I make it, I’ll post a pic.

There’s usually a door prize for the hat categories like best or most original.
Surely Lucy won when she wore this hat.

As she sat down, Clark pulled her into a quick embrace, and she felt what she would swear was a somewhat sloppy kiss on her temple. “Hi, Beautiful. I missed you!”
Puppy dog kisses!

“I can’t fly a plane. We just flew.”
I love that! Did you know that in some Superman incarnations, Clark can fly a plane?

Lois felt herself lifting off of the loveseat. They were floating. So much for secrets!
rotflol This is wonderful!

The dopey smile was replaced with one reminiscent of a child whose hand was just slapped for being in the cookie jar before dinner.
I can see the pout on Clark’s face.

“Superman!” Lucy yelled. “I can’t believe it Sis, you actually married Superman! Way to go!”
Yeah, way to go, Lois!

Sam turned back to Lois. “Honey, remember two Christmases back when ‘Superman’ was so sick,” and he nodded at Clark. “It was hard not to notice the way you looked at him when we thought he might die. Then, when Clark ‘came back,’ your reaction to having him with you seemed, well odd. Since then, we’ve seen you and Clark together and it’s easy to tell how you two feel about each other. Lois, it wasn’t that much of a stretch to wonder about you and Clark and Superman. Your mom and I actually talked once about if Clark could be Superman, but we figured that if he was, you had your reasons for keeping it secret.”
I’ve always thought Sam had to have figured it out. He’s pretty smart.

Red kryptonite revelation!! As I already noted, but it’s worth saying again, I love this revelation.

“Daddy, the baby is Clark’s. He’s a very human-compatible alien.”
Good thing!!

Clark tipped his glasses for a moment and stared at Lois’s abdomen. “Look’s fine. Heart zipping away like normal.”
Wouldn’t that be an amazing thing - to see your baby’s development every bit of the way?

“That is *so* cool!”
Yes, it is!!

Will you take me flying sometime?”
Me, too?

Clark elevated his eyes slightly then answered. “I will on one condition. I want to borrow that hat to wear to the Planet’s office Christmas party this year. It’ll go perfect with the tie that I plan to wear.”
Perfect ending!!

As for that hat, it took me a minute to make the connection. When I did, I laughed loud enough that I had to explain to everyone why I was laughing. Needless to say, somebody else is now going to be reading the story.
Your mother-in-law? laugh

Luck and Consequences
I must read this...

I tried to design the story so that it would be accessible to those that did not read LaC.
It was, it was.

I absolutely loved this story!!! (And again I’m sorry I’m so late with feedback.)


~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~