Thanks everyone.

Per the assessment of Sara and Michael, I did write this as a chapter inside my existing Luck and Consequences universe. Honestly, it was too tempting to pass up. I tried to design the story so that it would be accessible to those that did not read LaC.

This is intended to immediately follow the initial discovery that Lois is pregnant, and the child is Lara. In LaC I never addressed how any of the relatives were told of the pregnancy. Furthermore, I did the math and realized that a Christmas revelation of the pregnancy at an early Christmas party would work (just barely) based on the timetable that was already in LaC.

I hope everyone enjoyed the hat. I really have been to a hat party. I had some friends years ago that did those. However, I never saw that particular hat.

Crazy_Babe: I’m glad you liked it.

Ultra Woman: Thanks. I’ve never tried humor before and I’m glad it was fun.

rkn: Yes, I wonder about the tie also

Elisabeth: The beauty of red K is that it allows for so much flexibility. Now I have to ask, did I achieve an unexpected connection with the hat? I was just trying to visualize an over-the-top hat.

Artemis: Superman as the ultimate community volunteer. It’s what makes him special.

Ann: I’m glad you liked it. I think sooner or later I’m going to have to develop a description for that tie.

Sara: I’m glad you were able to see the LaC connection. It was fun to fill in a messing section of that story.

cp33: I actually started out with red snowmen but that just didn’t feel right. At least Santa wears red cloths. I actually toyed with the idea of green K in the form of a glowing green crystal wreath, but it got too serious for a fun piece. And the red was so much fun. I actually wrote some much more, um… “suggestive” comments for Clark about what happened on vacation but didn’t have the guts to leave them in.

Michael: Such wonderful, detailed feedback! As with Sara, I’m pleased you spotted LaC. At this point Lois was not affected since at this point in the story, she’s doesn’t have her own biofield yet. Now, in future Christmas gatherings…? I really did stick Sam with a bad line but that’s what he gets for being the doctor in the room.

Sara again: Wow! Can we ask the lady in green if her hat plays Jingle Bells?
