
Just wanted to thank everyone for leaving fdk and to welcome more readers.

Sara, I'm sorry it took you a while to get into this fic, but I'm glad that you finally liked it enough to join in. Thank you for leaving comments.

Carolyn, wow. You made me feel so happy with your great comments. smile

And for everyone else who is continuing to read and to take time to leave fdk, I can only say I'm totally grateful.

I did hope you would all like the fact that Lois is starting to accept Clark as he is now ... and that Clark is too. He does miss flying, but he is weighing the lack of some of his powers against his blessings, and isn't too upset with where he is, right now.

However, will he always have to do that? To tell the truth, I'm not sure even I know the answer to that yet.

Yours Jenni