
That part was really touching.

I loved the interaction between Lois and Clark, sweet, yet moving forward.

I am a little curious as to why Clark told the white lie to Lois... but perhaps he wasn't lying so much as trying to convince himself to start putting things in perspective?

I was also relieved to see Lois is starting to come to terms with the fact Clark can't help but help. It is in his nature, and I don't think he could change that...

Jenni... I find your writing style refreshing.. as much as Lois and Clark are American icons, it is really nice to see a British view of their world.

Keep it coming please...

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box