I probably should have given feedback on this
story earlier, but I have to say it took me a while to get in to it.

I loved this chapter though. It's nice that Lois is supporting Clark now.

I have to disagree with the idea that Clark is telling a "white lie" to Lois about flying, though. He isn't saying he doesn't miss flying. In fact, he tells Lois he does miss it.

But what he does tell her is that her and his kids are more important than whether or not he can fly. And I believe this is true for Clark. He's concentrating on what he's gained now, not what he's lost.

I also like the discussion they had about Superman at the end. If his powers come back, should he be Superman again?

I'm glad they both realize that there's a big difference between small rescues and Superman rescues. Even though Lois fell in love with Clark-as-Superman, ultimately Superman is what took him away from her. (They had this conversation in "The Forgotten.") She not ready for that yet. Clark knows that, and really, he isn't ready either. Besides the whole finger missing thing, that is.