Originally posted by carolm:
Just popping in real quick before heading to work. I will say that that question has absolutely no bearing on this fic and was asked *long* after the end to this one was written [even if 3/4 of the middle wasn't yet, it was plotted more or less].
/me says mantra: Carol isn't leaving false trails. Carol isn't leaving false trails. Carol isn't leaving false trails. Carol isn't leaving false trails.

The thread in FF Related

You know, Carol, this does not say anything about it not being in a follow-up story to LTL. Sorry, and if you resolve everything by the end of LTL then I will gladly take this and just expect the other fic to appear in due time. But for now, I patiently reserve judgment until the final act is done.

And I don't think I mentioned this recently - but I do generally put my toys back in more or less the same shape I took them out. I *very* rarely [once? twice?] leave them broken.
And you specifically did not deny the rape thing. And why would you. It would ruin the suspense. *sigh*

Did I mention that you are the queen of evil cliff-hangers?

Michael smile

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