We still don't know for a fact that Lois was raped. True, it's very likely, and true, it was almost certainly Luthor's intention, but this is still not a foregone conclusion. And that really ramps up the uncertainty and suspense. Did it happen? Who is the biological father? Will Luthor return and wreak more havoc upon our favorite couple? Now we have to stay tuned to find out.

I'm glad Lois is receiving professional therapy. It's about six years late, but it's far better than not doing it at all. And I'm also glad that Clark is participating in Lois's recovery. But I hadn't really considered that he'd need therapy as much as Lois did.

And he needs it. Even with his powers, there are things he simply cannot do. One of them is to be in two places at one time. Another is to cocoon the people he loves and prevent anything bad from ever happening to them. If Lucy were to die in childbirth (and now that I've mentioned it you can't do it!), Clark would not be able to prevent that. If Jimmy is diagnosed with terminal cancer and dies before his child is born, Clark wouldn't be able to do anything about that. If an earthquake strikes the Eastern Seaboard and collapses the Daily Planet building, he would of course help with the rescue efforts, but he'd be unable to stop the earthquake itself.

I wonder how long it will be before someone - probably Lois - suggests putting him in a disguise to allow him to help openly. Then Lois could write him up for the Planet and become Metropolis's Superman advocate. She'd have a much better idea of how to present him to the public than the original L&C Lois did.

But that's all in the far future. Right now, both Clark and Lois are dealing with the issues stemming from Lois's past and their unusual relationship. With Dr. Friskin on the job, they should knock that out in just a few months.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing