I have to say *whew*. I was expecting something else for a reaction there but it's possible that the reaction to the next one may end up with a reaction or something... wink .

That said, ML had redethroned me as the cliffhanger queen. And since mine will be done before hers she'll get the crown back semi-permanently before long wink .

Yes - Lucy's Story is going to have lots of Lucy and Jimmy in it. It's not going to be simply a rewrite of LtL. Some of the same events will be included, obviously, but not all and lots of stuff that we didn't see in LtL - or even know about - will be shown as well. For instance, we know Lucy and Jimmy went on a first date and that he sort of rescued her from a guy but that's it. We know Lucy met Perry before L/C met Jimmy. We know they had a first kiss, they had a discussion about sex with Clark not long after they started dating but we don't know how they met, etc. We know that the wedding was planned long before Jimmy proposed - date set and everything. We know that Clark walked Lucy down the aisle, but we didn't see her ask him or what he said to her in the ante[?] room before the wedding. That said, there's probably not going to be any great revelations or anything or major plot twists but... it's not just the same things that happened in LtL from a different 'camera'. I have a list of stuff I want to include [including most/all of those above] and a list from my betas but I wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving something out that everyone else was like 'oooo, i want to see...'

Thanks again everyone. Look for 42 sometime later today.