If I may use a Swedish expression and translate it directly into English, then this was a full-eared chapter, Carol! There was so much in it, but it was never too much. It remained interesting, and often compelling, the whole time.

Again I don't have much time to comment, though! frown

I liked the comparison between Mayson and Clark, and I'm glad that both Lois and Clark agreed that Mayson was not a bad person. Lana, on the other hand... mad (Oh, and... yes, I meant Lana when I said Mayson in my last FDK.)

"Where would we go?"

"I don't know specifically. Sydney, Paris, London, Tokyo, maybe Africa or Athens. Rome. India. Scandanavia – did you know there's an ice hotel there in the winter? I forget exactly where it is – in Sweden maybe – but that might be kinda fun visit and write about.
Ha-ha! Yes, there is an ice hotel in Sweden, in Jukkasjärvi in Lapland in northern Sweden. I haven't visited it myself, but two of my best friends went there two winters ago, and they said it was lovely. You have to visit in the winter, though, because it melts in the summer.

[Linked Image]

The Snow Queen in the ice hotel in Jukkasjärvi.

Anyway, I guess you included Sweden on my account - thanks a bunch, Carol!

I marvel at how you managed to make that whole legal discussion between Lois and Clark and Constance Hunter so fascinating. I found myself holding my breath when Lois and Calrk looked at the offers they were given by the university, and it didn't bother me in the slightest that you didn't tell us the amount in dollars. But I loved being told that it was a lot more money than Lois and Clark had expected! clap

"It's part of my job to tell you both that if this did go to trial, juries would probably be very sympathetic to you, especially since you're the ones who blew the whistle on the whole thing and you're married rather than single like the other women. That makes a difference.
So an unmarried woman would get less if she was raped than a married woman would. I'm sorry to hear that, because it seems to me as a way of belittling the unmarried woman.

"I don't mean to sound crass, but just so we know..." Lois took a breath. "How much of a cut do you get? I don't remember discussing it with you."

Constance shook her head. "I did this pro bono. Too many women are raped or otherwise sexually harassed or assaulted and have no one on their side. In reality, as far as cases go, it's been pretty easy and not nearly as time consuming as many cases I've worked. Should you have an overwhelming desire to compensate me, please make a donation to the Red Cross on my behalf."
I love this! Constance Hunter took on their case pro bono! Reminds me of a case I read about a year ago or so... a dirt poor Bangladeshi father and widower sold his thirteen-year-old daughter in marriage to a much older man. The girl was raped - because surely it is rape when you are forced to have sex against your will? - and sought out the help of a female lawyer, who took on the girl's case at no cost. The girl was granted a divorce, and the picture of the smiling girl and her equally happy lawyer was just lovely.

"You know, it would be a lot easier than we think to blow through all of this if we're not careful."
Absolutely! Many years ago I read an article about a number of Americans who had won at least a million dollars on the lottery. One man had gone to Thailand and bought a lot of sapphires, among other things, and he commented: 'I blew a lot of money in Thailand. It was surprisingly easy.' Yes, I bet it was!

As for Aunt Louise's stipulations... well, it was her money to do with as she pleased. Maybe I would have found her meddlesome if I had been Lois, but as I reader I don't take offence.

I loved this:

She fiddled with the pencil. "Do you want kids, Clark?"

"Yeah," he answered softly. "Someday I'd love to have kids. With you. Do you?"

"Maybe. Someday."
I love that he admits that he would love to have kids with Lois.

It is quite sweet that Clark is so afraid of flying. I'm a claustrophobiac myself, but airplanes don't scare me nearly as much as elevators. Airplanes have windows, after all.

I loved that Clark wanted Lois to hold his hand when they were flying! Although I must say that the presence of other people is not enough to calm me if I have to ride an elevator. If we get stuck we get stuck, and the other people aren't likely to break me out of there!

I think Lois and Clark should trust Lucy and Jimmy, and if Lucy and Jimmy were to make love before they got married, I personally wouldn't find that a big deal at all! After all, Lucy and Jimmy are seriously committed to each other, and they will undoubtedly get married in the relatively near future anyway. Don't worry about giving them the chance to make love without any interference, because it really isn't any sort of big problem if they do!

Well, I love the fact that Lois and Clark suddenly have such a relatively large amount of money, and that they will go travelling the world together! clap
