Aunt Louise, I always thought, knew far more than Lois and Clark realized. She knew Lois wasn't in love with Clark when they got married, and I'd bet that she knew the real reason too. She didn't let them know what the stipulations were because she didn't want them to specifically meet them. [Well, fine, if we're not getting any money until we've been married 5 years, then we just won't divorce until after that or whatever.] If they'd separated after college, then they wouldn't have walked away empty handed, but she wanted them to be together, because she knew that's where they belonged. I'm sure there were other 'what ifs' in there - what if... Clark got drafted or Lois was chosen to be the first reporter on the space station or things of that nature.

One of the others is simply an anniversary, but if something were to happen to one of them before they got to that anniversary it wouldn't matter.

The third, Clark is right on. She wanted to make sure that her 'grandkids' would have college funds so she earmarked some of that 1/3 for that, but she also made allowances for if they aren't able to have children [infertility on the part of one or both of them] or choose not to for some reason [dangerous jobs etc]. If the former, some of that money could have been used for treatments or adoption - whichever appropriate.

I guess I don't see it as meddling, but rather making sure they don't just take the money and run away from each other or something.

Does that help at all?