Thank you everyone! Part 28 has been revised and sent back to my new legal consultant, Carolyn wink . Once I hear back from her and make any necessary edits, it'll be posted.

Gr8 - thanks wink .

Carolyn - have I mentioned today that you rock? Hmm... have you been reading my notes? Do you think it's enough for Lana? We'll see wink . Now, Lois has admitted that she may have been stupid, but she's not blind. She knows he's well built and good looking.

JD - LOL! I don't think Lois would appreciate being the leader of that group, but I think it's funny!

Sheila - Thank you!

Shells - Thank you. Yeah, the 36 hour thing is going to stop. I'm going to be lucky if I can keep up the official 3xs a week now that I'm teaching class in the classroom 4 days a week starting tomorrow.

cp33 - Thank you! Eventually, we'll see what Lana's folks thought about all that wink .

Anon - Yeah, I still hate Lana. Traveling the world... coming up... Well... soon.

Luna - thank you! My internet doesn't do video well at all so I didn't get to watch it, but the lyrics are nice.

Laura - I agree with Elisabeth and discussed it with my BRs. Yeah, Clark is good looking and well built, but as far as she knew until recently, he's been cheating on her. There's no way, given her family history and the way her mom and dad treated each other, that she'd have sex with him. And, yes, Dean's Clark is my favorite [not that I've seen Chris Reeves in eons and I only saw Routh once and, well, let's avoid the whole Smallville thing]. I had this whole big long Maslow thing all worked out in my head. Some of the pyramids I've seen have 'sex' as part of the most basic of needs but sexual intimacy is not. This Lois in particular can't have sex without the intimacy that should come with it. According to Maslow, things like safety for her family and herself [physical, emotional, etc] have to come before sexual intimacy. There was more to it than that, but my head hurts and the flashbacks to Psych are too much to take.

Ann - happy birthday to mom!!!! I think you mean Lana wink . And thank you! And even if this is short fdk compared to what you often leave... it still rocks!

Michael - Thank you! I don't think Lana even noticed the door. She was too focused on Clark.

Rona - They are finally having some good things happening to them. Believe me, if I'd had any clue this was going to turn out this long, I probably never would have started.

BJ - thank you! And thank you again for your PM. What kind of stories will they find? We'll see...

Lara - thanks! I think I mentioned it before, but while things may not be smooth sailing from here on out, our favorite couple will be together from here on out. Unless something weird pops up.

Elisabeth - I think they just exchanged a few pleasantries and then Clark said good night. I'm assuming Lana went to bed too. And thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words.

As I said, the next part will be posted once I hear back from my rockin' new legal consultant wink .

Thanks again!
