Yay no more Lana and Clark is a good guy for telling her like it is and not trying to spare her feelings. Good for Lois too! But I am so confused about why Lois needs to wait so long even to kiss him. At 16 I was a virgin but my hormones were in overdrive. I can not imagine living with a GOD like Clark and not even waiting to kiss him, nevermind not making love to him after being together for over 3 years. Lois must have something physically wrong with her on top of severe mental damage. Maybe her calling in this story should be to be a nun, or maybe she is gay? She can't be a normal heterosexual woman and not sleep with Clark it just isn't a normal reaction if you love someone and are attracted to them and married to them. My goodness how can she not want to join with him? I'll never understand that. I am too old and have seen too much life to believe a normal woman in love would be able to resist Clark, especially Dean Cain's Clark! No way, no how, unless something is physically and psychologically lacking. He is just too wonderful to hold out on that long. There are woman who have no libedo but that is a physical problem that can be cured with medicine. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"