Okay, so I officially hate Lana- not that I really needed an official declaration to prove it, but anyway...

I understand your feelings about Lana (the character)- I have trouble writing her as benign myself, lol. Here is what I hope happens: Lois wakes up when Clark puts her to bed and she asks him to stay with her until she falls asleep. Unfortunately for Lana, Clark also falls asleep, so she just has to stew on the couch by herself. There's plenty of time to catch up in the morning.

Lana aside, I enjoyed the talk Clark had with Wayne - not just because Wayne had a similar experience, but because it gives Clark another person to talk to (who might seem to be 'family' in a way).

Here's to getting Lana put in her place sooner than later!


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles