I don't read stories until they are finished but I have been kind of skimming this one as I have downloaded the different installments. I have to say I can't wait until this one is finished so I can read it in full.

I do have to say I've done a bit more than skim the last few installments. Since I have I do have a specific comment on Part 26.

I have always hated how Clark has been a mush mouth with pushy women he has no interest in (ie Mayson in the show). So I have to say I wish he had opened his mouth at lunch and told her he was a happily married man and to keep her feet to herself. Right there so her parents could know what she was up to. (I have to say I view any women who will go after another women's husband to be a slut. Just my opinion from my sister's experience.)

Needless to say I'm not happy with the cliff hanger at the end of 26. I can't beieve he is agreeing to go back out and talk to her. We all know that is not what she has in mind. So please shock us all and have Lois wake up when he puts her to bed. That way she can ask him where he is going and then go with him and put Lana straight. Maybe even suggest they drive her back to her parents righ then in the middle of the night and tell them what their daughter has been up to. Going after a married man.

This is not a CRITICISM just my wish for Clark to not keep getting in trouble because he feels he always has to be a nice guy, even when those around him don't deserve it. Just once can't he really stand-up for himself. grovel