You guys are cracking me up wink . Of course, I know what happens. I promise, Lana will get what's coming to her and sooner rather than later. And, yes, all of the names that you're calling Lana [even the ones that wouldn't make it past the censors] probably apply wink .

Jen - three am - yeah - I'm not real coherent at three am - you're better than me.

kmar - I'm not entirely certain Clark wasn't interested in Mayson on the show. She wasn't Lois, but she liked him. There's been some excellent fics that dealt with that. She liked *Clark*. Lois was mostly over the whole 'I love Superman' thing, but especially at the beginning of S2 wasn't all that into Clark. She's an attractive woman [I don't get it, but apparently Jimmy et al did *shrug*] who likes him and who he likes. Is it possible that they went out a time or two that we didn't see? I don't think they did, but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility either. Give Clark a little time.

Lara - no - no bday suit. I promise. She really did just... need to use the facilities. What is it with people assuming ulterior motives? First Mayson eating dinner, now Lana having to... see a man about a horse. I will say that you guys are more right to be worried about Lana than Mayson. No, Clark has no tape recorder.

Cp33 - I hate Lana. I loathe Lana. I always have. I can read a sympathetic Lana [like Late Great Lois Lane - she's not the root of all evil there - she's stuck in a bad situation and I want to hate her but I don't], I have a hard time writing a sympathetic Lana [but I'm trying really I am - just not here wink ].

James - I don't get it either. I won't say the moment I met DH, but not too long afterwards. It'll be 15 years since we met this August. And the Cards beat the Astros a few minutes ago too!

Rona - see note above - I'm sure the names you're thinking are appropriate.

Ann - Remember that feeling re: Mayson. She's not evil. I never meant for her to be evil. We'll find out more about her and her motivations etc. at some point in the future. Was she *right*? Heaven's no, but she's no Lana either. Yes, that line did come from the show. I'm trying to sprinkle some of that throughout as well as some cameos [by say Molly and Ryan etc.] here and there. Two step/Tush Push = line dancing. Yes, they sound funny. I can't do either. I can do the Macarena though. A lot of parents have a blind spot where there children are concerned unless they're smacked upside the head with it [and sometimes not even then]. I'm sure they don't know how hard she tried with Clark in high school or what happened after they got married. Clark has a [mostly] honesty is the best policy policy. I say mostly because he's not going to say something that would only hurt for no reason [like... um... if paul's brother called and said... oh something mean and hurtful - he might not tell her that - or not all of it - just that he called but not what he said]. Aunt Louise's stipulations will be explained [at least somewhat] soon - 'this week'. They *just* graduated and that was the first hurdle - they haven't heard from the lawyer yet. And see above about Lana.

Carolyn - an eriot?!? Too funny! I use a lot of acronyms or can usually figure them out but that one escaped me. And yeah - my oldest is 6.

Michael - You're close. And I'll leave it at that! And I *love* your interpretation of Lana!!! Umm... I don't know if Lois has taken martial arts...

AnKS - Lana didn't see anything. He was trying to manuever so he didn't have to use any and once she'd left the room he floated slightly - just enough to stand up.

Natascha - Lois has... grown? some since the attack. She's more sure of her relationship with Clark - at least enough to be able to put up a good front when necessary. Has it completely sunk in? That will probably take a while, but she's not the same person she was three or four weeks ago.

LS97 - LOL!!! Love it!

Sheila - Thank you! I think you may have misread - Clark was *going* to say something about it being their first night alone in forever, but didn't get the chance to. I can't blame them for wanting to have a nice [presumably romantic] evening together in the big city [think Martha and Jonathan at the end of S4]. I doubt they realize that it's an imposition at all.

Elisabeth - that whole thing is all because of what you said, as is another similar conversation at some point in the future - almost verbatim what you wrote here. I promise *raises hand like boy scout* there will be no Lana in frillies.

Laura - Yes, he probably should have. I promise tonight will not be an issue. She is delusional [great word wink ].

Andreia - how do you really feel? wink

It's interesting... we saw some of these same reactions when Lois was asleep in the other room and Mayson was there. I don't think you can truly be *alone* on Clinton unless you're in the bathroom.

Part 27? Um... tomorrow sometime. Probably afternoon since it's Friday.

Part 31 is being/has been BR'd. Part 32 is 2/3 written [or so]. I'm thinking we're up to 50-60 parts total. Not really sure yet. I know it's going to be close to 50 at least now that I'm where I am now...

Thanks again! This has been fun to watch today!
Carol [who wonders if a Lana Lynching Mob might be formed rather than a Carol Lynching Mob...]