Thanks again!

Carolyn - Lana in touch with reality? Really? I will say I've never been a Lana fan and have a hard time writing one that is truly likable [which is difficult in one Clanaish wip *shudder*, even though it's prepilot]. I so remember those days when just buying a new package of socks was such a huge deal. And I don't remember who said it [Ann in the other thread?] there's something inherently wrong about underwear from a thrift store. But that's just me. I'd rather have something cheaper but new, given the option.

I'm not sure about the OTT [had to look that up - over the top] thing. Lois has never had anyone that she could count on or trust. Ever. Except Lucy, which doesn't really count. She simply can't accept that a man can be faithful. It's not in her worldview. It's like she was raised believing that alternate universes didn't exist and suddenly Wells is on her doorstep. Sometimes you have to see to believe. And she has to see Clark stay and be faithful before she can believe it. That's not to say that there isn't more in her childhood, but I think most of it is just more of the same. But more of it. And more...

Nan - How you raised 7 is beyond me. I'm still trying to convince DH we want another one, but I don't know if it's going to happen. He thinks 4 is enough. And most of my posts happen during naptime or like now - everyone else is in bed and the house is quiet. Do you know how rare that is? Okay - I'm sure you do wink .

And you're right - it's not much like Second Choice. In my defense wink , it was Oct still when I emailed you and the 'marriage to get custody of Lucy' thing [even though that wasn't exactly what your L/C did] was there. And this whole thing with Paul hadn't been plotted yet. It was a late addition - mid/late Nov iirc.

Elisabeth - Thank you smile . DH still has a hard time convincing me to spend money on myself. It just doesn't come naturally to me anymore even though we're in a *much* better place financially than we ever have been. Even birthday money from my MIL always has the stipulation that it *must* be spent on me... always had a hard time with that. Becky Bain did a wonderful job with a trial etc. in In A Dark Time and I so didn't want to go there. I don't want this to drag out for months - for their sake, my sake, and all of your sakes wink . So pleading guilty it was. And now it's [mostly] over for all of us.

AnKS - Thank you! Didn't plan the graduation thing but you're right - tis the right season for it. Lana will go away but not just yet. They're in town for a week...

JD - awww thank you smile .

Lara - I googled sentences for rape - and that probably is a bit on the long side, but he's only pleading to about half that charges so... and with 'good behavior' it'll be a long time before he's out. As for the trust... I think she knows in her head that she should. Her heart is still a different matter. She's not there yet. It's one of those 'if I want you to trust me, I have to trust you' things. As a teen, you can't prove you can handle responsibilities until you have responsibilities to handle. That kind of thing.

Michael - Ah no, not the end of the troubles yet, but the end of the misunderstandings. I'll say that much. Whatever comes next, they face together - more or less. Mostly.

In4 - those Smallville FoLCs [except Lana - she's not a FoLC wink ] surprised me. I'd planned on Laura giving the ring back when they went to Smallville for the Corn Festival some year, but realized that they were going to buy a new one if I didn't get it to him pretty quick. And he needs to talk to Wayne. You'll see why soon.

Rona - See Michael's post. Lois is 20, which is very young to graduate college. She did high school and college in a total of 6 years [*sigh* took me 6 years to get through just college]. Clark is 22. And thanks smile . Good day indeed!

James - thanks wink .

Sunrei - We are turning a page. As mentioned above, their troubles aren't over, but they'll face them together now rather than apart. I will say that Lana has a hard head and leave it at that. Lois is getting to the point where she trusts Clark, but not completely there yet. For instance - as I mentioned in one of these fdk threads wink - she probably couldn't watch him flirt with/smile at/charm Toni Baines to get to the Messenger at this point without getting sick to her stomach. Someday she may be able to, but not yet.

Thanks again everyone! Look for part 26 in the next few minutes. Probably. It's 2m before Thursday so...
