Very nice, Carol. You wrapped up the investigation, but now we have the rest to take care of. (And see, there wasn't any reason to worry that your story was anything like mine.)

Sorry I've been delinquent with FDK but between babysitting and obligations up the ying-yang, I've barely had time to write my own stuff -- which usually takes place at night while I'm trying not to fall asleep writing. Hubby has been out of town for a week, too, and won't be back until this Saturday.

I've been making an effort to keep up with the parts, though, and I have to say it's very good. How you manage with rug rats running all over the place I'm not sure. I've got a 4 year old grandson and 2 year old grand daughter here right now and this fdk has been interrupted 5 times already. Chuck says I made raising 7 kids look easy, but how I managed is a mystery now.

Anyway, any time you can post the next part, I'm sure many more than I are looking forward to it.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.