Nan is correct on the law here. It varies by state, and may vary depending on whether it's a criminal case or a civil lawsuit. Quite a few states will admit recordings made as long as ONE party to the conversation was aware it was being done.

[Pick up the U.S. Constitution sometime. Article I, Section 8, clauses 1 through 18 lays out the specific powers of Congress. Anything not on that list is automatically a matter of state law. It's that simple.]

BUT THIS IS FICTION! New Troy can have any set of laws that Carol wants it to have, for heaven's sake. And the tape should certainly do a lot to make the University Administration look stupid (and arrogant, and possibly criminal), and put a little tarnish onto Prof. Paul's "sterling" reputation.

Oh, right, feedback. Sorry for the tangent, there. I'm still loving the story. I love seeing Lois and Clark finally finding their way back to the "you and me against the world" sensibility that they had in the very beginning.

Now I'm very curious about who has been trashing Clark's reputation, and why. My money is on Mayson, motivation wounded pride. But we haven't really met Linda yet, so...

This is a great ride. I hope we're nowhere near the end!!

Peace, Carolyn