Wow. Lois is willing to give an eighty thousand dollar suit to Clark for her father's sake. And Clark is willing to wear it for Lois's sake. Everything has the required gravity for such a momentous item.

(Did you ever watch the special features on the Superman Movie DVD? They'd promised in the trailers that you would "believe a man can fly," but it was getting down to the wire in filming the movie, and the best they'd come up with for flight technology was a bunch of cables and pulleys. Some of the techs tested it out, and their flights looked absolutely horrible. But there wasn't time to come up with anything else, so they resigned themselves, dressed Christopher Reeve up, strapped him in, hauled him up, and...

He flew. Chris was a trained glider pilot.

So yeah, whatever your feelings about the possibly-questionable contents of the movies, you can't deny the suit.)

And now what's going to happen at the casino? Clark could pull Lois out, but they really need to talk to Ledderman.