You know what's great about finishing a story? It's the fact that I am free to read now! This time I get to sit back and listen to you weave a tale.

And a wonderful tale it is! I am personally a big fan of alternate beginnings, so it was enjoyable and sweet to see the friendship between Lois and Clark grow from their childhood. I enjoyed the unique perspective of showing that growth through letters.

It was also a neat revelation that Kryptonian's have an immediate connection to their 'soul mates' - yay!. But that also brings us to the angst. Lois! He loves you! Let yourself love him back!

I have mixed feelings about the Lucy/Jimmy/Alice/Perry revelation - much as I bet Lois is feeling as well- but I suppose without Ma and Pa Kent, it is nice to have some support. But just when I get over that, here comes Mayson grumble I bet she just thinks that Clark is taking care of his kid sisters, and he's just happy to have someone enjoy his company.

Lois is wavering - those subconscious thoughts are revealing some feelings for her husband - but I don't know if she's at the point where she will be ready to stake a claim. Too bad we aren't rid of Mayson as quickly as we did 'Call me Daniel'.

At any rate, I'm enjoying the fic and hope that we'll get another part soon (pretty please?).


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles