Yet it shouldn’t feel odd. Clark wasn’t even her partner, really, and Myron was simply an ex-boyfriend. This was simply a business deal all the way around.
You just keep telling yourself that, Lois. smile
It was now apparent that the storms were appearing even more and more tightly packed the father east Clark looked, until they combined into one massive super cell off the coast of France.
That doesn't sound good... This problem sounds like it's huge even for Superman.
“How do you know that?” Lois asked as she followed him onto the stairwell.
You're about to find out, Lois. laugh
“I was telling you the truth when I said I wasn’t Superman,” He said. “It just wasn’t the whole truth.”

He pulled her toward her, and before she could scream they were both airborne.
How like Clark to apologize for not telling her the whole truth.

In retrospect, there was no way Lois could have ever guessed that Clark was also Kal-El from Krypton, since his abilities ought to be physically impossible. Without this kind of demonstration, she never would have believed it.

I can't wait to see how she reacts! hyper There are dozens of little clues that should now come together for her, like what Clark was doing under the plane, how it stopped so quickly, why she couldn't hear engines, how the fishing boat was saved, and how her windows got washed on the outside. Maybe Clark will tell her the whole story.

Another great part! Please don't leave us hanging too long for the next one. grovel