So like 20 minutes ago I was in the kitchen wondering what I was going to do with a new-ficless weekend [answer: work on my own fic instead of feeling pathetically inadequate by reading the incredible authors we have around here], and wondering if you were going to post today. And then I come back and read 24 [more on that in a bit] and then see that 25 has been posted as well.


Okay am back.

Jory is okay. Whew. That's huge. Clark loves Lois - big shocker there. He admits it both to himself and to her - that's the shocker. He wants her to be his mother - bigger shocker. Maybe. It's a toss up which is the bigger shock. He's right though - she is his mom in the ways that count.

I love that they're spending time together and it seems this isn't the first time they've kissed so obviously something changed in the intervening months - I would have like to see more of that personally. I'm glad they're well on their way to being happy together. Are you going to show us more later?!?

Random side note from earlier part: I never ranted at Clark about being mad at Lois at the Pulitzer ceremony. She ran into his folks and Jory completely by accident. She didn't seek them out and purposely try to hurt him [then]. I wanted to borrow whoever had the Kryptonite toed boot and kick his rear for that.

Okay - loved it! Thank you for sharing!
