Wonderful, Sonia!

I was rather glad to see Lois's reluctance to accept Clark in part 24. He really had hurt her so badly, and she had every reason to think that her heart wasn't safe with him. But how could she say no to Jory? She couldn't.

A wise woman once told me that parenting is more than biology, and she was right. *You* were right. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he's as much yours as he is mine. Neither of us made him – but he's ours. He's yours.”
That was lovely.

I had a follow-up question.” He stepped forward and placed his hands on her forearms. “If I gave you me – all of me – would you accept?”
She didn't, at first. But then she did. And I just loved that he wasn't put off by her initial rejection, but asked her if they could be friends instead! thumbsup thumbsup
